- Eligible grade of students
対象学年 - 5-6 Grades and postgraduates
- Dates
実施期間 - Tue 19-22 July 2016 (4 days)
- Acceptable No. of students
募集人数 - 5
- English proficiency
英語能力 - Score of English proficiency test equivalent to or more than TOEFL-iBT 85, TOEIC 750 or EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Grade Pre-1
- Modules that students must have completed
必要履修科目 - Module on Animal Infectious Diseases
- Place
実習実施場所 -
OIE Regional Representation fro Asia and the Pacific (OIE RRAP)
Food Science Building 5F, The University of Tokyo
1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657 JAPAN - Meeting time and place
集合日時 - OIE RRAP, University of Tokyo, at 9:00 on Tue 19 July 2016
- Access
アクセス方法 - http://www.rr-asia.oie.int/about-us/regional-representation/location/
- Accommodation
宿泊施設 - Please arrange your accommodation yourself if necessary.
- Outfits
服装 - Wear a jacket (and tie for men) during the meeting on 20-21 July. None specified for lectures on 19 and 22 July.
- Necessary materials
持ち物 - PC on 19 and 22 July (lendable from OIE)
- Website URL
実習先の資料 - http://www.rr-asia.oie.int/
- Necessary documents
提出書類 -
– Written pledge
– Statememt of interest in English with around 300 words - Accident insurance
加入すべき傷害保険の種類 - Accident insurance
- Liability insurance
加入すべき賠償責任保険の種類 - Liability insurance
- Other qualifications
その他必要な資格 - N/A
- Description
プログラム概略 -
Selecting issues related to the prevention and control of transboundary animal diseases in the Asia-Pacific region as the subject, students are to learn about the roles of intergovernmental organisations and how international meetings are organised through participating in the 9th FAO/OIE Regional Steering Committee Meeting of GF-TADs for Asia and the Pacific (Tokyo, Japan, 20-21 July 2016) as observers.
▶▶▶ GF-TADs July 2016_Provisional agenda
Sun.,July 10,2016 Deadline
Internship Programme of the OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific (participating in an international meeting on transboundary animal diseases)
Steps to participate in an internship via VPcamp
Handbook of participation to VPcamp
Message to students 獣医学生へのメッセージ
The Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) is a joint FAO/OIE initiative to establish global and regional frameworks for promoting synergies in approaches to control and prevention of TADs among international agencies and therefore for progressing in controlloing TADs at country level by the coordinated approach. Through participation in the 9th Regional Steering Committee Meeting of GF-TADs for Asia and the Pacific, you will be able to learn the roles of intergovernmental organisations, activities/initiatives and current challenges/concernes at global, regional and sub-regional levels, in efforts to control TADs.
a.m. | p.m. | |
day1 【OIE RRAP】 |
– Orientation – Lecture 1: Role and responsibilities of the OIE and GF-TADs – Lecture 2: The situation of priority TADs in the region and OIE’s regional activities for their control |
– Lecture 3: OIE’s disease reporting system and information dissemination procedures – Preparation of the meeting (setting up the meeting rooms and logistics with staff) |
day2 【Seihoku Gallery, Yayoi Auditorium – Annex, University of Tokyo】 |
– Participation in the meeting as observers and note takers – Work as supporting staff for meeting logistics |
day3 【Seihoku Gallery and OIE RRAP】 |
– Participation in the meeting as observers and note takers – Work as supporting staff for meeting logistics |
day4 【OIE RRAP】 |
– Exercise using the OIE World Animal Health Information Database | – Lecture 4: OIE standard setting particularly for TADs – Wrap-up discussion: review and lessons learnt from the meeting |
Within ten days after the completion of the programme, participating students are to submit a report in English up to 1,000 words consisting of: 1) lessons learnt from organising an international meeting; 2) his/her own thought about a topic of the sessions, referring to the views presented by international participants; and 3) his/her own thought about a way to enhance regional coordination on control and eradication of TAD(s) of his/her interest.
Prior learning
9.国際獣疫事務局(OIE)アジア太平洋地域事務所:9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5
–contact us–
OIE home http://www.rr-asia.oie.int/
Tue.,June 21,2016 Deadline
